Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ebay Addiction

Well it is official - although many have speculated - I am addicted to buying crap on Ebay.
Mostly scrapbooking crap - but the occasional car seat or Thomas item has been know to be bought.

And it really does not make too much sense - except for the fact that I am able to get the scrapbooking stuff cheap compared to the scrapbook nazis. But it mostly gets shipped to my friends cabin in Blaine. Which means a 2 hour drive (in the event I want to go during daylight). To get my cheap stuff. And it causes me great concern when it rains as I am never really sure if the metal embellishments will rust....

But I am addicted to the drama of the buy. Beating someone out for some ribbon. Triumphant over the greedy hordes by my cleaver math skills.

One day I hope to actually complete an album. Until then endless entertainment on ebay......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tassi - I too love ebay!!! I was quite addicted at first, but have been able to ween myself somewhat. It's soooo fun to beat the other guy, isn't it?!?! It's a major adreniline rush when the time is running out and you're fightin' the bid...........yeeehaaawwwww!!!