Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday shopping - madness!

Went into Vancouver today to go to MEC as Linden's fleece jacket is starting to look like something Britney Spears would wear out clubbing. So he is now in a size 6 - gasp! How did my little baby start to grow like a real kid? But only in jackets thank goodness. Also bought him some cute water resistant shorts.

We have split ways with Parker in regards to outerwear - Parker got the beige jacket. At least now we will be able to tell them apart as they run away from us at the playground/ park/ grocery store, etc.

It was our anniversary lasy night - Colin planned everything. Well he organised the babysitter (his mom). But everything else was a crapshoot. Good grief. I guess this means I will be picking out his retirement home....

I did a shift at After Hours on the weekend. I loved it and hope one day to work there. It was nice to be in such a small office. I guess we need to make a decision about whether or not we are going to have another baby. If so then I will wait till after my mat leave to go. But if this is it then I am going to apply & start as soon as possible. Just think of it - home with the boys! Exhausted - but home.

Time will tell... stay tuned. I would miss Law & Order though.... and 30 Rock. And the Amazing Race.

Jenn - are the Polly Pockets getting wind blown? If so I think that I have found one of their windshields while cleaning up the playroom....

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