Monday, March 19, 2007

moving on up...

Well it is official - farewell PC! Good riddence! May you never infect my email again with your hideous viruses! Bill Gates be gone!

Yes we have bought an iMac. So far so good. Being that it is still in Ontario - or wherever they grow iMacs. Waiting for a Canada Post professional to gently bring it to us.

As some of you might know - getting Colin to agree to an iMac was a feat in itself. It has been a long road to this - many trips to Frys in Oregon to try and get the right piece of PC pap to make our hunk of computer junk move faster, not get some many viruses (use some protection for the love of Windows!) and generally behave like a piece of high tech. But finally even Colin was tired of pumping cash into the bohemeth. So we shall keep it for the kids, so that they don't ever forget where we came from. Then when they grow up we will turn it into an artificial reef.

Can't wait to be posting from the new iMac. All svelt and saucy. Totally unlike its owners. Maybe we should keep the old hunk of tech just so that we feel like we still fit in at home. Next thing you know we will be spilling double hot chai lattes hold the foam & extra caramel onto our wireless keyboard and lamenting the days of the PC. Or perhaps we will be inspired by the new slim computer & actually get off our butts & do some excercise.

Which brings me to the den furniture. The old computer fit in with the decor. Now what are we going to do with our crappy Ikea put together table with Curry legs (seriously)? Now we are going to have to upgrade the whole den. Next thing you know the house will be too cool for us & we will be looking for a less intimidating abode in the Valley.

Maybe we shouldn't be getting a new computer......


Not My Real Name said...

I think I'm going to have to get an IMac now. Have to keep up with the Redekops!!

Anonymous said...

how cool are you? I am so primitive. I think when I move back to Canada you can teach me how to do this. But an IMAC, wow, Bill will be call you soon to complain! Glad you ae well my old friend.
Corrina X

Leanna said...

Hey Welcome to the blogging world! Your kids are adorable. I have heard great things about this thing they call iMac..can't wait to hear if it lives up to its reputation!